Purchase and Activate EarlyRetire™ Now
1 Click the "Download Now" link at the bottom of these instructions.
2 Select "Save" when prompted by your browser.
3 When asked where to save the file, select an empty folder on your computer.  You can create an empty folder by right-mouse-clicking and selecting "New-> Folder" or by clicking the New Folder icon.
4 When the download completes,  go to the folder in which you saved the download and double-click the installation program, NeInstall.  Follow the onscreen installation instructions.  Backup and save the NeInstall file in case you ever need to reinstall.
5 Click the "Complete Your Purchase" button at the bottom of this page and complete your purchase. You'll receive an activation code in a separate email. It may take up to several hours to receive your activation code but you can start using the program immediately.
6 You will find the installed program in your Start menu under "Programs". You can begin using it immediately even if you haven't yet received your activation code. When you receive your activation code, run the program and enter it when prompted. Save the activation code in case you ever need to reinstall.
  Download Now